Bond Uni Internship Feature Image

Mentoring Future Industry Leaders

Awesome Women In Construction (AWIC) is excited to announce our latest partnership with Bond University.

At AWIC We are committed to inspire, support, educate and mentor our future colleagues in the construction industry by giving graduating students the opportunity for “on the job experience” through our Australian-wide membership base.

This program is designed to inspire and further educate graduates in construction through practical experience. To ensure success Bond University has provided AWIC Members with high calibre construction candidates for an internship 2 days per week for 14 weeks, ensuring once graduated they will “stand out from the crowd.”


Benefits of Hosting an Intern

  • Increase productivity
  • An extra pair of hands at no cost
  • Access to the latest techniques and technology
  • Enhance perspective
  • Foster leadership skills in current employees
  • Improve the overall work environment
  • Benefit your small- or medium-sized business
  • Contribute to shaping the future of construction
  • Be a satisfied Host Employer
Bond University Career Development Logo

If you’d like to be part of this collaboration, please contact Jo Rackham on 0455 261 766 or

Renata H placeholder

It is challenging for international students to get started in the Australian construction industry.

Before seeking a job position, Employment Specialists helped me polish my CV into a more professional way to meet Construction Industry requirements and highlight my strengths. In addition, the mock interview and instant feedback provided me invaluable experience and skills to help me secure the Intern position.

I am also pleased to accept a Construction Cadet offer after the 5 months internship.

Renata H
Alumnus, Master of Construction Practice (Prof)
Ash S placeholder

The student program has proved to be fertile ground for us to develop over the years, a fine-tuned process; attempting to give each student an all encapsulating experience.

6 students from each program have worked with us full-time so far. Each personality as delightful and complex as the next. Bond Uni with the more than capable team under Jo Rackham, has supported the program by providing constant guidance, making this a ‘team’ success story. We hope to have planted some seeds in the minds of students that grow into fruitful affairs.

As for the future: I believe we have yet to uncover the potential the relationship ARP shares with the University and its students. ‘Watch this space!’

Ash S
Employer, Australian Retail Services
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