AWIC & TAFE Scaffolding the Future for Women in Construction

Tafe Workshops

Awesome Women in Construction (AWIC) are working with TAFE Queensland to introduce young women to this wonderful industry and the fulfilling careers that await them.

Together with the Construction Industry, we will showcase available career paths. From hands on workshops and information about apprenticeships to panel discussions with trade and office based professionals including designers, estimators, accountants, interior designers, administrators and much more!

Information on courses will be available via TAFE Queensland staff on the night.

On the panel:

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Amanda Bulow and Amanda Pennycook
Amanda Bulow Image
Amanda Pennycook Image

Amanda Bulow has over 20 years’ experience in the construction industry with a strong focus on estimating, procurement and project management. The founder of AWIC - Awesome Women in Construction Amanda continues to provide a space for women to come together to learn, connect and share while leading the growth of the construction industry.

Amanda Pennycook is the Health and Safety Manager for the Usher Group and began her career with trade certifications in gyprock and solid plastering. Amanda is responsible for writing and implementing the policies and procedures that govern the Usher Group’s Safety Management Plan and has been in the construction industry for over 30 years.

Maddison Mangan and Becky Paroz
Maddison Mangan Image
Becky Paroz Image

Maddison Mangan is the Marketing Coordinator for the Usher Group and is responsible for running the Usher Group’s social media accounts and oversees the curation of marketing opportunities for the Usher Group both internally and externally and promoting community engagement. Maddison has a degree in Journalism and has worked as a Social Media Producer for 7NEWS.

Becky Paroz has thirty years’ experience in the construction industry and has demonstrated her unique leadership abilities on some of the most demanding projects in Australia. As a successful Engineer and industry leading Project Manager she is a Director in three companies and a global professional mentor.

Rebecca Paech and Tracey Neagle
Rebecca Paech Image
Tracey Neagle Image

Rebecca Paech is the Queensland Customer Service Manager for PGH Bricks and the Events Co-ordinator for AWIC. One of her greatest achievements was the successfully integration of two Customer Service teams during a joint venture in 2015 between CSR and Boral Bricks. She is also the proud mum of a daughter who has started her school-based carpentry apprenticeship.

Tracey Neagle is the Director of Stainless Steel Drainage & Civil / Stainless Steel Design, a leading Queensland based manufacturer and distributor of Stainless Steel surface drainage products - providing surface drainage solutions to Architects, Builders and Plumbers, creating aesthetic and functional drainage solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces. Tracey is also the recently appointed Membership Officer for AWIC.

Jo Sainsbury and Naomi Cassimatis
Jody Sainsbury Image
Naomi Cassimatis Image

Jo Sainsbury has over 30 years’ experience in Administration, HR and Project Management within the Heavy Equipment, Earthmoving and Rail Industries. She is passionate about encouraging women of all ages to unleash the full force of their potential, achieve greater levels of self-sufficiency and fulfilment and create a more sustainable way of working, in particular within Non-Traditional Roles in these industries. (Toowoomba Campus only).

Naomi Cassimatis has over 15 years’ experience in the construction industry. During this time, she has shown her amazing abilities as a 'hands on leader'. A qualified carpenter and civic constriction operator - Naomi is currently working at Bunnings trade. (Ipswich Campus only)

Tina Johns and Jo Devin
Tina Johns Image
Jo Devin Image

Tina Johns is a Branch Manager for Infrabuild and her day to day role encompasses understanding and managing people, safety, operations, financials and sales relevant to the branch. She is six months away from completing a degree in Bachelor of Business and Commerce, with a double major - Management & Leadership and Human Resources, with a minor in Marketing. Congratulations Tina!!! (Ipswich Campus only)

Jo Devin is the Co-Founder of Positive Living Skills and at the age of 23, started her career as a very 'green' customer service administrator. Over the next 25 years she has built a solid career Customer Service, Business Development and Human Resources. The search for more meaning in her life led Jo to study as a Counsellor, Life Coach and NLP Practitioner. (Ipswich Campus only)

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TAFE Queensland Ipswich campus, B Block (Entrance via Byrne Street)
Corner Mary and Byrne Streets, Bundamba Qld 4304
Tuesday, 3 March 2020, 3pm – 6pm, event registration 2:30pm


TAFE Queensland Toowoomba campus, A Block Theatre
100 Bridge Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350
Tuesday, 10 March 2020, 3pm – 6pm, event registration 2:30pm