
Meet AWIC’s June Member of the Month!

Let’s get to know our awesome June Member of the Month, Julie Bolitho, Tailored Recruitment & HR Specialist at Dedicated Staffing Solutions.

Tell us about yourself and your role!

I’m a Gold Coast local, I’m one of those people who loves coriander, I prefer a decent coffee to a glass of champagne and my family is precious to me.

How long have you been in the industry and what drew you to a career in construction?

My career started many years ago, working in the building industry & studying drafting. I was drawn (pun intended!!!) to the industry because everyone working in the industry seemed real, there was no pretense, limited egos and I had a great mentor.

What has been your biggest career achievement so far?

My biggest career achievements come from emotional & personal satisfaction when helping young people start careers. Most recently, bumping into a former apprentice who now has their own building business, just seeing them in their work gear & car with company logos. My heart melts.

What are your professional goals for 2023?

Constant learning to be at the forefront of HR legislation & Fairwork Act. Provide tailored support to busy employers by sourcing talented employees. Deliver a meaningful and caring candidate experience. Be a more proactive as an AWIC member & increase attendance at networking events.

Our monthly member spotlight is just one of the ways AWIC supports the professional growth and careers of our awesome women in construction! We’ll share your spotlight across our socials and monthly newsletters and feature your profile on our AWIC Blog! So show off, plug your business, and tell us how awesome you are!

To be featured, click here to fill out our AWIC Member of the Month Q&A!

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