How early influences shape our futures

I grew up in the small country town of Rosewood in the city of Ipswich.

It was a great time to grow up. Things were simpler. There was no Facebook, no Netflix and no pre-packaged meals that got delivered to your home. We cooked everything from scratch and knew exactly what was in it.

I grew up on a farm, where we all had a job to do and we did  it. There were no boy or girl jobs, just jobs. When the cattle needed to be fed, we fed them. When the clothes needed to be taken off the line because it was about to rain, we did it. When we had to fight local fires, we did that too.

One of my earliest memories from this time was joining  Brownies and then Girl Guides as I got older. Looking back now, this community  was the perfect breeding ground for helping to raise a young, independent and strong-willed young lady.

29 January 2023

Publication: Ipswich News Today

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